We learned but just in time.
Vam aprendre, però just a temps.
Font: Covost2
The company utilizes a just in time manufacturing process.
L’empresa utilitza un procés de fabricació de just a temps.
Font: Covost2
Was I able to inform people I was OK? (Just in time before my phone ran out of power).
Vaig poder informar a la gent que estava bé? (just a temps abans que s’acabés la bateria del meu telèfon).
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Just in time for Christmas, huh?
Just a temps per Nadal, eh?
Font: OpenSubtitiles
Just in time for next Hallows’ Eve. Ooh...
Just a temps pel pròxim Halloween.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
Guess I showed up just in time.
Sembla que he arribat just a temps.
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Someone locked him in just in time.
Algú el va tancar just a temps.
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The late afternoon sun illuminates Santa María, the only fully Romanesque cathedral in Catalonia; we are just in time to visit its fascinating cloister.
El sol de les últimes hores de la tarda il·lumina Santa Maria, catedral íntegrament romànica; estem just a temps de visitar el seu interessant claustre.
Font: MaCoCu
Your dad sold his factory just in time.
El teu pare va vendre la seva fàbrica just a temps.
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The completion of the improvements arrived just in time to start the high season, a period in which the port of La Savina receives more than one million passengers.
L’acabament de les obres de millora arriben just a temps per iniciar la temporada alta, època en què el port de la Savina rep més d’un milió de passatgers.
Font: MaCoCu
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